Monday, June 6, 2016


Hi Friends & Family!

5 new investigators! That's all I need to say. Haha. No it's been
quite the week, between transfers and getting in sync with a new
companion, taking an area over, and then finding 5 new investigators
was pretty fun.

So I don't remember if I've said anything about my companion. He is
from Missouri, but loves the Oklahoma Sooners. He came out 6 weeks
before me, and is about to hit is yr mark in a week or so. He did band
orchestra and choir, and loved all three. He was also trained here and
stayed here for 8 months of his mission, so he already knows all the
members and what not, so that's kinda good haha. At least we have just
been able to just go right into the work.

So we haven't had anyone to teach in a while, so we have been tracting
all week. Which is pretty hard, because knocking every door doesn't do
us much good, because we are Spanish in the USA. But it works out. the
only problem was this has been the hottest week of my mission haha. It
never went below 110 and went up to 122. My insides are melting
hahaha. But it was worth it because we found some new people. Our more
solid investigators are a mom and her daughter named Alma and Nickie.
Alma is around 50 and Nicki is 16. We have already had 2 lessons with
them and they seem pretty interested. I'll definitely keep you up to
date on them :)

Do you remember Patricia Jalapa, she was on date, and a week away from
her baptism she backed out. Weeeellll we were able to find her again,
and she wants to keep learning! She said baptism is still something
she feels that she wants to do, she just wants a stonger testimony on
some things so we're pumped about that.
Then not only did she tell us she was still wanting to be baptized,
she came to church! And to add the cherrie on top, for the first time
in some like 3 years the inactive couple Oscar and Luz were there
too!!!! It was awesome. I love them so much. They are so cool, and are
almost there.

I'm not sure what it is but I have loved my last two roommates. Elder
buckway was awesome but he's home now, but instead I get to be around
Elder Heller. He is from Florida and he is soo funny. Everything he
says is a joke, but at the same time is a bomb missionary. I really
like him, he's a hard worker and loves being out here.
According to the forecast it's supposed to go down this week around
105 which sadly sounds really good right now haha. I'm not sure how
anyone could be on bike here.

Hope everyone s had a good beginning to there summer!

Shout out to the fam, you guys are the best!!!!

Love you guys,

Elder Miller

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