Tuesday, June 28, 2016


Hey guys

So another pretty good week. Monday once again we had an awesome
lesson with Oscar and Luz. They are finally getting  the hang of it. I
think this is the fourth week they've come and it's awesome. They have
only been able to stay for the first hr because of work, but today we
talked about how he. Wants to start looking for another job so he can
get Sunday's off and so we are going to fast together. I'm happy :)

We had an amazing lesson with Patricia Jalapa. We watched the
restoration video and it always brings the spirit really strong. She
really liked the video, and saved it helped her understand a lot more
and feels like it helped her testimony of the restoration. Then i felt
pretty strongly to talk about a baptismal date. I got scared and had a
bunch of thoughts go through my head because of the last time when she
dropped us. But I ended up bringing it up but I asked her to choose it
with Heavenly Father, to pray and decide on a day. At that point she
started to cry and said she was feeling really good and getting ready.
Then to end we asked the member to pray and we all kneeled, and by the
end of a long beautiful prayer we were all crying. It was quite the
The next day we dropped by to see how she was doing, and she brought
up how she had prayed the night before, and asked us if the 9th would
work! I was super excited. She is really trying right now. She's
dropped coffee for two weeks now, and stayed all three hours for the
first time this Sunday. She is getting there and it's awesome.

We also had begun teaching a man named Sacramento who is about 50 and
is a really good guy. He has already been to church three times and
loves it. He has said he wants to get baptized, but just wants to make
sure he is learning the things we are teaching him well. He's very
open to everything and says he already believes in the Book of Mormon
so that's awesome. We made a goal with him to be baptized on the 30th
of July!!

Sadly we weren't able to talk to Luis this week. Some things just came
up I guess but hopefully we'll pick back up this week.

On Tuesday I had an awesome day on exchanges because I got to be back
with my dad, elder wells! It was awesome, especially during lessons,
because I already know how he likes to teach, but this time I could
actually fully contribute and talk hahaha. It was super fun. I remeber
it being kind of hard, but I think it was mostly because I didn't know
Spanish and he was my first companion, but we had a blast and it was
fun to show him that what he taught me and everything turned out
alright haha.

Then on top of all this awesome stuff, guess who came on Wednesday!
Elder Holland. It was sweet. He talked about some pretty cool stuff
and a big one was truly converting ourselves out here on a mission. It
was super cool and he is super powerful speaker. He also talked about
how when we got to shake his hand he interviewed us, he said he looked
us in the eyes and new what kind of person we were and what kind of
missionary we were. kinda weird but pretty cool. Soo that was pretty
dang cool.

Next pday is the 4th off July so that will be fun. Someone light some
fireworks for me haha. Next week will also be transfers and I'm super
scared to leave. I've been working so hard here for 4 months and
finally these last two weeks are we finally seeing some success, and
of course I love this ward, because I've been here the longest, and my
Spanish has been so much better here and I've been able to actually
have member relationships haha. So ya, but I have trust in the lord
and he'll put me where I need to be.

Have an awesome 4th of July weekend!! Love you guys!

Elder Miller

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