Wednesday, August 9, 2017


Hey guys!

It's been a week full of emotions and miracles. To start out, everyone seems to be home now and people are answering their doors!! It's has been sooooo nice haha. School has started and I feel like we proselyte in a completely different city. We have a lot of people to try to come back to this week and should be able to have some pretty solid people for elder Lewis to continue help progress!
One day we were going around and I kept having a lady's name and face pop into my mind. I couldn't figure out why. She was active awesome lady, but that's all that was in my mind. So I ask elder Lewis to look up where she lived and that we needed to go to her. So we go over and knock on the door, and answers a lady I met about 6months ago at a party. But she lets us in, all excited that we are there, and we come in and sit down. I have no idea where we are, so I pull out my iPad trying to figure out who she is, and I see we made a little mistake. Well, the hispanics all have multiple last names, and this lady did have the last name I was thinking of, but it was her maiden name haha. So we are there and we are talking and end up having a super awesome lesson. We find out she obviously is inactive because I don't know her, but was just super happy we were there. It was super cool for me to see how Heavenly Father lead us there in such a way. I had no idea who she was, but he has ways to help us outπŸ™‚ She then came to church this Sunday for this first time in a long long time.
Another miracle for me was to see the fulfillment yet again of D&C 84:88 "for I will go ​​​before​ your face. I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my ​​​Spirit​ shall be in your hearts, and mine ​​​angels​ round about you, to bear you up."  One day we are on a main pretty busy road needing to turn left into a parking lot. So I change lanes to the middle lane, yellow lane, and waited for a opening to turn left. Everything was normal to here. Then there is a big enough space for me to turn easily, without having to rush, but as I begin to turn the wheel, I push the gas, and we move five feet into the oncoming traffics lanes, and then there is no more power. I hit the gas 5-6 times with nothing happening. Traffic was definitely still coming and we were about to be hit. And then without anything from my or the trucks part we started moving and made it into the parking lot moments before the next car came flying by. There had to have been angels pushing us out of the road. We were completely stopped in the middle of three lanes, and then with my foot on the floor not the gas, because we were about to get out, we moved forward into the parking lot. It was super scary, but I know Heavenly Father was taking care of us.
This whole mission coming to an end thing has been pretty hard for me this week. One of the nights we went to help with a mission prep class, and there are some awesome kids who come. But at the end they were asking me why I came out and how had it been. And as I was answering I felt the spirit so strong, and to realize that it was just about over was so hard. It has easily been the best two years of my life, and God has blessed me so much while being here, and has  allowed me to serve him and his children with a capacity far beyond my own. It is incredible to me how much he accomplishes with what seems so little of a group, but with an indescribable power.
I was able to say goodbye to some of my favorite people this week. One of the nights a member named Maura came and took us to dinner. She was so cool. She was the primary president in my third area. I was so happy to see her and her kids. It was fun to talk to her and see how she has been. It's so hard to say goodbye tho. I hate it! And I had to do it early because of this week. My last Sunday we won't have normal church, for the temple dedication of the Tucson temple. So that meant that this last week was my last real church, and I had to say goodbye to a lot of people. I still want to try to say goodbye to a few, but there won't be enough time to say goodbye to all. It's been kinda rough saying goodbye a week early. Especially saying goodbye to Luz.
Luz is probably one of my best friends on the mission. I was able to work with her and her husband back in my third area. They were crazy back then haha. They partied all the time and really didn't want anything to do with the church haha. But we kept pushing and pushing, until we broke through just a few weeks before I was transferred. Well I was able to see her too the other day! I love them sooooo much, and they have grown more than I would have ever imagined! The first major thing is she is 6 months pregnant with a boy! They are both now fully active, and strong in the gospel, she being in the relief society presidency, and he being ward mission leader! But the greatest of all, they are taking the temple classes right now so that they can be sealed in the temple!!!!!! I was sooo happy. I couldn't stop smiling all day long! It has been such a miracle to see them progress so much. I have so been blessed on my mission, when god has allowed be apart of these people's lives, and let me to feel and see him just hugging these people and lifting them out of these dark places and bringing them up to the incredible heights. It was so hard for me to say goodbye.
I love these people and can't even begin to think about saying goodbye without feeling sad. I didn't know I could love strangers like this haha. I didn't know I could feel like this for so many people. I love these people , I love the Latin and Mexican cultures, and to think I just have to leave it all after two years, it's something very hard for me to even try to put into words. And hen put on top the gospel, and the incredible things you feel and see with these people, the literal miracles God has let me see and being apart of their lives, has changed mine forever. I don't want this to end. I love the mission, and I love this gospel! I have been blessed with an incredible opportunity to share the good news for two years and through it have learned so much.
I know he Book of Mormon is true. I can't deny the feelings I feel when I read it and the power that it gives me each day. I love my savior, and am eternally grateful for what he did and does for me and each and everyone of us. I know he appeared to a 14 year old boy, and restored his priesthood keys, and doctrine to that prophet. And I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that this is the one and only path home. Heavenly Father wants us to come back home, and this is the way. He is always there, trying to guide us home, we just need to listen to the still small voice and heed it's promptings.
I love you guys so much. I really hope you know that. I am so grateful for your support and love, and have undoubtedly felt your prayers. I couldn't have done it without you guys.
I am so excited to see you all. One more week to give the lord everything!
See you soon
Elder Miller

Wednesday, August 2, 2017


Hey hey!

We had a super week. We finally found s e new investigators! The are a
super nice couple named Maira and Andy. Maira is from El Salvador and
Andy is from Guatemala. Maira was in California a month ago and went
to the temple and visitors center in Oakland. And that's how we got
her information. She seems pretty interested and really wants us to
keep coming by. Andy is also a super friendly funny guy, but he is
also very very honest. He told us it would take quite a lot to get him
to go to church because he says he doesn't believe in any of that
stuff, but said he would listen and be there for his wife is she wants
it. So we'll see how that goes. We have a lesson with them this week
and are excited to teach. They only had a few minuets last time but
she asked us to please come back 😊 I'm excited
We've been able to get to know the new mission president and his wife
a little more, and they are so cool. I'm pretty sad I don't get to be
with them more. They are awesome.  We had a little zone conference
with them and I just love how the teach, and how they do everything.
And they are young and are just ready to go full steam. He definitely
knows how to be successful in what he does and is really doing his
absolute best for the mission. They are from alpine Utah, and I guess
they helped start the clothing modbod, they help start the fatcats
franchise, and I guess now owns the costa vida franchise as well. They
have a family of 5 kids I believe, oldest three are all married, then
a daughter is just about to put her passer in for a mission, and then
a son that is 12 I believe. So ya super cool family, they have a
different perspective than the old president, obviously, but I'm happy
I have been able to meet them.
A family from my third area just randomly showed up this week. The
mesa came to church on Sunday. They were a inactive family that I got
to help come back when I was there. I really like them, kinda crazy
but you gotta love the crazy. It was super cool to see them,a en that
they cared enough to come find me😊
We got a ton of new referrals again this week so we are praying the
are good. There is gonna be a lot of work soon tho. Now with summer
just about to finish up, there are like six awesome families I was
teaching that were just on vacations and what not but we should be
able to find them now!!
We'll talk to ya next week
Love ya
Elder Miller