Tuesday, June 28, 2016


Dear Family & Friends!

Well I'm not sure what's left of me after this week, because
everything inside of me has boiled and then evaporated. Haha it has
been so hot this was me yesterday.

Our car got up to 125 I don't think it was ever that hot, but while we were driving it did stay at 122 yesterday, but an awesome week none the less. So let's start with Monday. We had our weekly lesson with Oscar and Luz and it was really cool. We only did about 10% of the talking and they talked the rest of the time. We asked them why church is important, but why it was to them, not he primary answers we all know. It was really cool, and I think they really realized why it is important for them. I love them so much, they are awesome, and I pray that they become strong in the gospel and keep going their whole life. I guess we do for everyone, but I've really gotten to know them well and connected with them. Tuesday we got a referral from a member (our first since I've been here! From our hero of salvation lesson with the members, which has really exploded! It's been sweet to see the members get excited about missionary work.) Anyways we went over to a kid name Luis. I'm not sure why we hadn't realized or heard before, but Luis has been coming to mutual for a few months and even came to church two weeks ago, and is awesome. He's 15 and works at Waldo's tacos. He asked about what happens when we die and if he'll ever see his grandparents again. He was really sincere and we taught the plan of salvation. When we were about half way through he sort of paused us, and asked "how to I become a member?"  It was pretty cool. So we are pumped for him!! He has had a ton of support from the ward and youth and it's been cool to see how well they have just brought him in. Wednesday we had our first counselor of the bishopric come out with us, and we went to a lesson with Patricia Jalapa. She expressed her desire to still be baptized and we hit hard on the things she has to do to become ready. Hermano helped a lot, being one of the few RMs in the ward, and it was cool to see she really does want to be baptized. Now we feel like we just need to wait with her and see how committed she really is to coming to church, praying and reading. We found out she read a little anti and that was one of the reasons she wasn't baptized last time. But we've cleared all that up and are really praying that she gives it her all so she can become prepared. Thursday was sad. We had a lesson with Alma and Jackie, and the Mezas (mom and 2daughters) came with us. (The family that had been inactive for some 3 years, but that has come back and is pretty strong) they came and bore really awesome testimonies about why they love the church and the blessings they've seen since coming back. But sadly with all of this, Alma said her husband was upset that prior she never wanted to go to church with him at a Christian church, but now wants to go to ours. It was sad, but we had to drop them and stop going so that there aren't any more problems for them. We were pretty sad, but felt it just wasn't their time. ð Friday was good though. We had zone meeting and there were some awesome talks. My companion gave a pretty good one about being leaders even when we are not in positions of leadership, and elder Heller, gave a powerful one about truly consecrating ourselves. It was a good meeting. Saturday was super fun night, because our ward had a Father’s Day party and we had some investigators come and it was fun, we got to talk to a lot of non-member friends as well as many less actives. Everyone got pretty sad in the middle though because hats when Mexico lost to Chile but the 4 Chilean families were pretty pumped haha. We also had an Hermano and his two brothers play love most the time it was fun. We also were given to talk about our fathers and how they are our heroes, and I talked about restful I am for my awesome dad, and everything he did/ does for me. I talked about all the help and time he gave me during basketball and how fun it was. But I especially talked about his example and how important the gospel is to him and how he always put the things of Heavenly Father first. Thank you dad. I love you!

Then to wrap up an awesome week, we had a packed sacrament, (which sadly has been a first) but also had everyone that we worked with that week came. Oscar and Luz, Luis, Patricia Jalapa, as well as another inactive family we are going to try to start working with, and another referral that he member brought to church with him (like we invited during the heroes lesson!!) and then that nights had a lesson with this man. His name is Sacramento. He is a cool guy, probably about 60, and had talked a little to missionaries in the past. He really likes our church and is excited to learn more and wants to come back next week to church!! It was awesome. This area is finally picking up, but now I'm scared I might get transferred haha. But the ward is excited and willing to help, there's been some leadership changes so they are excited and fresh and this are just going good. Sorry this wasn't anything more than a basic summary of the week but now you know what's going on in freezing Arizona!

Love you guys, hope Father's Day weekend was good!

Elder Miller

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