Monday, November 23, 2015

Pictures 11.23.15


Last week we had Tali's baptism, and it was great! He is doing well this week and as he says “be a part of this great family". I am so glad that I was able to grow up in this Gospel, because it truly is a big family. Even if you don’t necessarily love your ward, anywhere you go, there will always be people there with open arms to help you and to worship alongside you. So ya Tali is doing awesome, and is talking to his sadly now ex (as a few months ago :/) about letting his three kids be taught by us and hopefully 2 of them being baptized. (a 5yr girl, 9 yr. boy, 11boy)  He really wants them too, and they already love coming to church. Tali says one day he’d like for his sons to serve missions. 

The first half of this week we’ve been teaching Nicki a ton, but she went to Chicago for a few days so we haven’t been in great contact. But she’s doing awesome and has her baptismal interview tonight J we are soooo excited for her. I know I keep saying this but she is so amazing and we love her. I honestly think I’ve learned more from her than she’s learned from us. Her baptism is this Saturday! This is #3 for us already! It’s such an amazing experience to be a part of one that it is a blessing each time we've had one. She has asked her (kind of sister/friend person that she calls sister but is not related, but is not Rosa, [Rosa is in our ward who has cancer.. ya that person] {who is back in the hospital this week:( it’s been sad} anyhow haha if any of that made sense, she is asking her Tongan "sisters" son who just got home from his mission to baptize her J hahaha hope you guys can decipher all that. It going to be really special and we are super excited.

We didn’t have much time to proselyte this week, because we had a ton of meetings and such. The big one was a 7 hr. Car Conference. The Church is putting these "black boxes" in all the mission cars. This box tracks speed, braking, and seat belts. It gives you a warning at first but if you don’t immediately slow down, or put your seat belt on you get a mark. If you get like 5 marks president calls you and just warns you, but I think 10 you get you’re driving revoked. It’s interesting. Oh you also have to log in every time you get in and out with a little card. That’s the worst part ha-ha. But ya so it was all about teaching us how to use it and such, and then president griffin talked about some stuff. It was just really long. 

We also had my last Trainer Trainee meeting. I’m just about done with my first 12 weeks in the field. And as this coming week ends, president told us that one of us will be transferred. So I have officially started to worry inside hahaha. This area and this companion is all I’ve known so the thought of changing any of it is kind of scary ha-ha. And on top possibly leaving all the investigators and members is going to probably be the hardest. UGH. I guess it just part of the mission right? And this is only 1 of many.

So ya that’s going to happen on Dec 2 so we have a little time. Oh which also means I won’t be able to write until Tuesday and by then I will know if I’m staying of leaving. Ya we'll see

We are having a Turkey Bowl this week. Actually Turkey Cup ha-ha because we are going to play soccer on Thursday morning. To get the word out, we made a video about it ha-ha. I’ll send it to yall. I actually have a bunch of stuff I’ll send because one morning we did some service for our ward mission leader (who happens to be 1 or the 3 white guys in the ward ha-ha) but ya they had some "perfect timing" on some of the pics. I look pretty goofy hahaha. But ya I’ll send those, as well as Talis baptism.

Oh and my food hahaha always got to send some food ;) we’ve actually had some awesome food this week. It’s pretty awesome. This area, members feed us 95% of the nights since I’ve been here. It’s so nice of them, and it’s been really nice not having to think about making stuff for dinner. This week we’ve had some great food. We had amazing mole last night, we had tacos for weirdly the first time, and we had some homemade enchiladas, where she made the tortillas by hand. It was a good week for food J ha-ha I wonder what we'll get on Thanksgiving?? Probably not rolls and turkey and stuffing ha-ha

So this transfer I decided to focus my personal study mostly solely on the Book of Mormon and it has been really nice. I’ve read it alongside the institute manual and been learning a ton. And it’s been really cool to see, but I feel like every chapter I read is specifically for me for that day. Like whatever is going on or like things that are going to happen, it is in the chapter I’m reading idk its cool. And I don’t know if that’s how it is for most, because sadly this is the first time I feel like I’ve truly been studying and pondering the scriptures, but it makes such a difference. Few days here and there we haven’t been able to have time for studies and I have seen such a difference between the days I read the scriptures and when I don’t. The scriptures are incredible and I am so thankful that we are able to have them. I’m also incredibly thankful to be out here on a mission. The things I’ve already been a part in such a short time has already made it so worth it. I love this work, and I love this Gospel. It’s awesome being out here and being a part of all this! J

Love you guys!
Dont Freeze 

Elder Miller

Monday, November 16, 2015


What's up everyone

We had Talis baptism on Saturday!!! It was awesome. Sadly I forgot my
camera with pics soo I'll send those next week but ya it was
incredible. I had the opportunity to baptize him and it was amazing.
To be in the water with him helping him complete a saving ordinance
was like almost nothing else. The spirit was so strong and he was so
happy. He has changed so much since we started teaching him,(aka my
first day haha) it was so awesome. And know Nicki has hers on the 28
th and she is soo excited for that. Sadly nothing has changed with
Jennifer and her mom. We're thinking we may just have to help her wait
until March when she turns 18. Thanks for all the pics and stuff this
week it was perfect. Saturday was incredible but this week has been an
off week and it was super nice to get those 😊 But it's all good,
because the baptism was awesome and it was like a reset for me and so
the work goes on! Haha

Our week has been just been super focus on Tali and getting all ready
for the baptism and then with Nicki, because she is actually going to
Chicago for a week so we've spent a lot of time with her trying to get
her ready as well. She is so ready it's incredible. She's really been
such an inspiration, and has been such a blessing meeting her, and
every time we talk to her I feel like my testimony just gets stronger
and stronger. It's awesome. Haha speaking of stronger I've gone back
to crossfit in the mornings and its super fun. I pave hated running
every morning so this has been a really nice change. My companion and
roommates think I'm nuts and take pics of me all the time haha but
it's fun. My companion ca,e out of the shower the first day I started
and I was doing handstand push-ups, and was so confused and took pics

I do still have to go walk with my comp because he likes running but
it's all good. And I know I can't complain compared to snow haha but
the morning ps are like 50 and I freeze with shorts and a super thin
shirt/hoodie haha. 6:30 feels so early sometimes haha so add cold it's
not always the funnest to try and wake up to. Not sure y but I took a
pic right when I woke up and I look dead and that's sometimes how I
feel at that time haha I'll send it. Nothin too special with food this
week. I made a breakfast sandwich one day haha I'll send ya a pic of
that. But that's this week.

So in two weeks we have transfers and I'm getting pretty nervous. I
feel like I just got comfortable and adjusted and now it all might
change blah but that's in a little while so I won't worry too much
right now.

Love y'all
Don't freeze 😜
Elder Miller

Monday, November 9, 2015

Kaylor with his rice and beans!


Hi Everybody 

So Rosa ( the one who has cancer) is doing better this week, as well as her daughter. They ended up not having to do surgery which was awesome, because now she has a week recovery rather than a 6 week recovery. Sadly though we have not been able to talk to Blanca the grandma. She has sort of gone into hiding. haha so we'll have to try again this week. We actually also had dinner at quinteros it was super good rice beans and some tender chicken and sauce idk what it was but it was good. Then Nicki came over, and we talked and talked
and talked for like 2 hrs hahaha. I don't think we're really supposed to do that but it was incredible.She's absolutely incredible. She's from Georgia. She's definitely a black lady, but she loves the Hispanic people. She speaks fluent Spanish and just loves the people. She has been through soooo much and still has a faith and trust and love for Heavenly Father. So she had a Tongan friend who's family was Mormon and she had studied a little on the church but never with the missionaries. Then she got back with rosa about 6 months ago and had seen the change in her life and the joy she had and Nicki said it wasn't a coincidence that she was running back into the Mormon church. She said she had been super depressed about 6 months ago and then she found rosa who she calls her sister because they grew up together through high school. And ya so now she's meeting with us and knows a ton and has awesome questions and she's just awesome I love her. So as were sitting there I get this strong feeling to have her pick a date for her baptism. This is only the second time we've even talked to her. But the spirit was really strong and I brought it up and was like I feel like we should pick a date and she was like aight lets do it! So I opened my iPad and she picked the 28 of nov! It was sweet. im So excited for her. She's been a single mom with two kids, they're now older. The daughters 24 and the son is 18 but ya. She's 41 and I like love her o my gosh. Her and Rosa have fibromyalgia and it's been super hard on them but theyve been so strong and is such and inspiration to always push hard and have faith.

We were able to talk to Jennifer again. we had a pretty good lesson with her. She has asked her mom again for permission and this his time she didn't get a no but kinda just listened. We thought
it was good and shes just gonna keep talking to her and push her, and
show her how much this means to her. So we're hoping. And we might
invite a member named Hermano Alonso to talk to her mom again because he's been the
only one to really get through to the mom. It's crazy but worst comes
to worst she can get baptized in March! So we'll see.

Tali is getting ready to be Baptized!! He had his interview this morning and passed with flying colors :) He getting super excited. Its this Saturday. He ready and says he can hardly wait.

so ya thats been this week :D

So I keep getting asked about what i do for food so here it is haha

For breakfast the first week was cocoa pebbles haha. but i got sick of those after like three weeks. Then i went to pancakes for a while and would put on different things like peanut  butter or different kinds of jelly, Different fruit or put in chocolate chips it was fun. but i got sick of those, so i now im going back and forth between oatmeal with apples and cinimon, and doing stuff with eggs. i put different stuff depending on the day. Sometimes a few of these sometimes all haha: tomatoes and peppers and onions cream cheese, bacon, or sausage. Then I put some salsa, sometimes my homemade salsa :))) and then sometimes i put it in tortillas or sometimes on bagels. so ya :D idk what im going to do this week haha. for lunch it used to be hot dogs and sandwiches, things that were easy haha. now ive been doing more healthy haha, so i do steamed vegetables  with chicken or tuna or white fish. actually this week i did rice and beans and sausage and vegetables. we also will have our leftovers if we go out to eat for dinner. For dinner we almost always eat with or at a members house. haha its funny probably 5 out of 7 days of the week we have rice, chicken of some kind, and tortillas haha. but its always good and different so it doesnt get too repetitious haha. but ya thats kinda how its been with the whole food situation :)

Hope you guys all have a great week 
Elder Miller

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Elk Burgers!


What's up UTAH😁

I hear the weathers goin down for ya. Any snow? Definitely none here
haha. It still 90s some days here. So It is really frustrating when
people cancel our appointments. πŸ˜• haha that's what most the week has
been, getting ready to go to a lesson then 5 min before, they call
and cancel. Except one family has had good reason to cancel. It's been sad.
So they are the Quinteros, I talked about them last week a little.
Rosa, the mom, has cancer, and she was in the hospital twice this
week. Then her daughter had something rupture near her stomach, so she
was in the hospital, and then had to go back the next day for surgery.
It's been so hard for them. But hopefully we can go see how they're
doing tomorrow and talk to Blanca, the grandma, and pick a baptismal

We also have Julio tomorrow. He is the investigator we just found,
that seems super solid. We didn't get to talk to him this last week
soo hopefully we can talk tomorrow.

So Jennifer the girl who had the date for this Saturday didn't get
permission from her mom, and she didn't come to church either, no one
did! It was sad. Tali, our investigator with a date for next week,
didn't come either. But if he comes next week he can still get
baptized. I'm super excited for both of them because I have been able
to be here to see the spirit change them. They are doing super good
with everything we've given them and they have been relying on the
Lord for strength with their trials. We have a lesson with both of
them tomorrow so it should be good. Well "I" have an appointment with
them tomorrow haha. We are doing another exchange tonight and I'm
staying in the Spanish area again😳. We are changing with the new
district leader named elder green. He seems cool, I just don't know
him and I'm really nervous again because I'm the only one speaking
Spanish haha so we'll see how it goes.

So this week was fast Sunday, and I love it here. Before the bishop
even sat down there were people in line behind him hahaha. And this
week was the first time I feel like I understood almost everything
people said in sacrament. It was cool. And they have some powerful
testimonies. It's amazing. I already love these people, and I am so glad
I am able to teach and serve the Hispanic people. They are very loving
and love to help and serve, but it's kind of frustrating because they
are stubborn and don't want us to help them. Haha idk, we try but they
never need help with anything, well until they move and we are the
first ones called haha.

So one of our like 3 white members went hunting this past week and
shot a massive elk, and had a ton of meat so he gave us some haha. At
first I was a little nervous. I've just not ever have it, but it was
hamburger kinda stuff so that's what we did, we made hamburgers! They
were awesome. They were super tender, I really really liked them. One
I did kind of a normal style and the other I put some jerk sauce stuff
and it was soo good. We kinda wished we had more. We told him if he
goes hunting again anytime soon to hook us up.

How was Halloween for everyone?? It was super boring here haha. We
went back and got some donuts and hot chocolate (because that's our 
tradition, which turns out is also elder wells tradition also

haha) and then just sat in the house haha. It was quite a long night.
Oh but I did get my first package 😊 thanks fam! I love u guys. It was
fun getting it, and having those jokes haha. I saw some of ur pics,
looks like some of u guys had fun.

That's my week πŸ™‚
Talk to y'all next week
Elder miller