Thursday, April 27, 2017

Photo 4.25.17


So it's pretty crazy day as a zone leader trying to figure transfers
and helping people know where to go and how to get there. And probably
wasn't the best day to get haircuts at a members where they also had a
big lunch for us that lasted almost 2 hours haha. Havnt had anytime

I had an interview with the mission president on Friday and he asked
me to stay with my companion 1 more transfer. So I'll be with him for
6 more weeks and then I'll have someone else for about 9. This will be
the second time I've been in an area longer than 3 months haha.
But not much happened this week. Its been a really slow week
actually๐Ÿ˜•  And we don't have anyone to teach. We have the couple I
talked about last week, but they are out of town, and then everyone
else we've dropped ๐Ÿ˜• definitely the hardest thing for our mission.

Finding people to teach.
Actually but we did have a awesome baptism on Saturday! Little metzly
got baptized and it was super special. People actually came this time.
I called so many people trying to come support. We really hope all of
this will help her parents soon get married and baptized ๐Ÿ˜Š
Sorry this has been probably my worst letter of the mission.
I'll do a better one next week.

Love you guys!

Elder Miller

Friday, April 21, 2017

Photos 4.18.17


Hey guys!

Crazy day today. his morning we went to a members house from the English ward, and he does a hot wings challenge and it was super hot and fun. Then we did a zone activity where we did a massive water balloon fight with over 1,500 gallons. It was in the parking lot of the church and we set up an arena with our cars, we had tables up as walls and garbage cans full placed all across the arena it was awesome! We were all soaked.

Here are a couple awesome highlights this week.
To start, we had another awesome lesson with David and Rosalina. They are great. Rosalina was struggling with reading little so we talked about faith and how we really need to show our faith through our actions. Do we really have the confidence in Heavenly Father that if we do the things he's asked, then he'll do his part and bless us. David loves the Book of Mormon though and he told us several times to come back, to please not leave them. He knows there's something here and it's really cool to have someone that has this desire to figure out what we have and watching him apply it in his life. It is through those acts of our faith when we receive our answers and blessings. It's so cool.
Then Saturday we had Metzlis baptismal interview. She is the little girl we have been teaching. She is so smart, and its been very fun. Her parents have been investigating for a few years now, and just havnt made the push to get married, but I think with Metzli being baptized it going to be huge for them. This is going to be the push they need. The baptism is going to be next Saturday and we are pumped!

Then Sunday was perfect. To have the whole day solely focused on Christ and his beautiful love for us was amazing. And because we get to be in two wards we got double. It was a great Easter, but to make it just that much better, Brenda and Ernesto, from the Estrella area, were baptized! I found them with elder jones in dec and taught them the first three lessons and fell in love with them. I don't think I have ever felt the kind of joy I felt at their baptism. I was so happy for them. They have had such a hard life and now they have made this incredible covenant with God and it will change their life forever.

I love being a missionary! His gospel is what brings happiness in this life and I've been filled with the joy of helping others come unto Christ this week!
I hope you all had a special Easter and I pray you all have a great week!

Love you guys so much.

Elder Miller

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

4.10.17 Photos


Hey guys,

We have had so much this week its been awesome. Our mission president
tried to get a big push going for people to find ysa age people and
refer them to the ysa missionaries. Which means more people for us!
This week we have had 7 referrals and its been sweet.
Then we found some amazing people for spanish. 1 was a family of
three, where the dads coworker is a member and invited him to listen
and their sons who is 10 is super pumped. He loves the kids Book of
Mormon and the parents want to find a church that they can all go to
as a family. They are pretty cool, they are the Leon family. Then
yesterday we found a woman and her husband who have been super
prepared. They were raised catholic, but they said through their
personal studies of the Bible, feel that it is not true according to
the teaching of the New Testament. Then they tried 1 or two others
that they really liked, but then struggled with the people being very
hypocritical. And they said they just haven't felt any of them have
been right yet. It was an amazing first lesson and i really hope that
they can progress. David is form Puerto Rico and Rosalina is from
Guadalajara. They should be awesome.

This week we had exchanges with the APs and it was so cool. One of my
favorite exchanges of my mission.  I was with elder walker and he is
so cool. I learned so much and had a ton of fun. He is from Idaho and
is a great guy. I would really like to stay in contact with him after
the mission.

On Thursday we got to go to the temple again! Its was super fun. As a
zone last transfer we had 1 baptism for companionship, and so the
reward is going to the temple! The phoenix temple is a pretty cool

I found out that a family that I taught in an old area is going to be
baptized next Sunday, and im so excited. Our stakes share a stake
center and that's where the baptism will be, so I get to go to it! Its
Brenda and Ernesto. They are so cool. I'm so happy for them.
On Sunday the young couple were baptized and it was perfect. I was sad
for them tho, because none of the ward showed up, which reflects what
kind of ward this is, but other than that it went perfect, and they
have been super ready. I didn't really get to teach them anything
before, because they have been ready for a while now, but for the
first time in my mission do I get to be with someone that I was there
for their baptism and I get to stay after to help them to continue to
grow their testimony and become converted, so im pretty happy about
that. Everywhere else I've been, I've moved every three months so I
never got to be with people after their baptism.

We have a lot of work this week so we should have a great one coming up.
You all will too ๐Ÿ˜„

Talk to you next week!

Elder Miller


What's up everybody, sorry I didn't write last week it's been kinda crazy around here.

So last week I was transferred, and I'm in the same zone, even the same district, just different area. I am also zone leader so that kinda fun to be with the mission president a little more, and be able to help the new missionaries out. Just about 80% of the missionaries are 9 months or less, so it's a very different mission now, and we are trying to help build a awesome culture, especially getting ready for the new mission president in 3 months. With being zone leader, I went to a training on Tuesday and it was really cool, it was for the zone leaders and we then needed to take back all that we learned about to zone meeting and train there. It was fun, the other zone leader is elder Campbell and he's an awesome guy. He's from Canada, and he's actually a French speaking elder here. So it's fun to be with him and working with him to fire up the zone and keep it going strong. We are the top baptizing zone in the mission right now, so we definitely want to keep that up!

Speaking of baptisms, we have three coming up soon! One is with a young couple that they had been teaching for quite a while, and that will be next Sunday. The other is an awesome little girl we started teaching. Her parents have taken he lessons and really like church, they go all the time, but they are not married yet sooo, we are now teaching their 8 year old daughter and she is so cool. She is super smart and understands everything. Right now she has a goal for the 22 of april.

We have a ton to do here. Its pretty crazy actually, we have so many referrals for ysa because its basically everyone 18 to 30 in the whole zone so we have 10 sets of missionaries finding for us haha. Its really fun tho.
General Conference was super awesome this weekend! There were so many amazing talks. I am so grateful for the love ive gained for conference, it makes it so much better haha. I feel like with every conference, i get more and more out of it. Especially as a a missionary I received some awesome revelation for not only myself but as well for how to help investigators, my area, and our companionship.

The prophets are such an incredible gift. The fact that in today we have men that speak with God to know how to help us y guide us is so special.

I love you guys, and hope you enjoyed and got as much out of conference as I felt I was blessed with.

Love yall,

Elder Miller