Monday, March 28, 2016


Hi everyone 😄

This week went by sooo fast. So I guess I'll just go day by day.
Monday we had an awesome family home evening with the family Meza.
They are the family that was inactive for 3 years, and they've now
been to church three times in a row!! They are doing super awesome,
and we have made the next goal to get sealed in the temple! It's
pretty exciting to see their change in such a short time.

Tuesday we did some finding, aka tracking. But we knocked on more
doors than I ever have in a day. I know in comparison to other
missions it's nothing, but it's harder because we have to ask people
hey who do you know that speaks Spanish, and then we go to those house
or we "racist tract" and look for wind chimes aloe Vera plants, mops,
etc hahaha. But ya we knocked 35 doors in about 4 hrs. It was fun. We
got 3 return appointments and 2 New Investigators. Well those weren't
actually from the knocking but still I'm pretty pumped about it. I
guess they were former investigators, who were close to being baptized
but some stuff happend n ya, but they invited us back and we have a
lesson with them tonight!

Wednesday  is actually when we found them. And we went back to Waldo's
tacos and I had a asada torta, tacos al pastor, and tacos de tripas.
They were all way good. I was a bit scared of the tripas because I
guess it's fried stomach and intestine, but it tasted like Chicharon
so it was good. Haha

Thursday we had a awesome zone meeting with our president. He kinda
best down a little on a few things but it was really good.

Friday our ward had a baptism in the other area and it was really
good. It was two sibling James 14 and Priscilla 16. They have changed
a ton from when they first started, and it was really cool to see the
ward welcome them in and love them. It was cool.

Saturday we had exchanges again, and I was with elder Tomayo. I love
that dude. He's so cool. We had really fun time and I learned a lot
from him. We are actually going home the same time, he just came out a
few weeks before because he's a native. It was the bomb.

Then Sunday came around and I didn't realize it was Easter until I got
to my studies. I set it up where I got,to study Christ's death and
resurrection on Easter and that when I remembered. It was pretty cool.
I think that's one of the coolest things to teach people is that there
is life after death. That because Christ was resurrected and live
today, we all have a life after this world, and we have the chance to
be with our families forever. The hope and joy that it brings to
people is beautiful to see, and I can't believe that I have this
amazing opportunity to be out here with these people, brining them the
spirit and letting him change their lives.

I love you all so much and hope you all had a wonderful Easter.
Talk to everyone next week
Elder Miller

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