Monday, March 28, 2016


What's up everyone!!!

I had an awesome week this week. So Wednesday we had our training, but
it started at 7 so we were up at 5, it felt so much earlier than that
haha. I don't know how any of you guys can get up early like that.
But we got over there and were introduced to elder Arnold of the 70.
He was a super cool guy. He also was very blunt hahaha. He "gave it to
us straight" haha. But it was incredible. We were there for 8 hours!
But I don't think I've ever learned so much in one day as I did during
that training. A huge factor of that was the spirit. The spirit was so
strong and constant throughout that whole time. We talked a lot about
finding new investigators. He kept saying " now you all know that
numbers aren't everything... But they kinda are." Haha. He definitely
let us know we need to pick it up, and then gave us some pretty
awesome ways to do it. Things I've never thought about doing, but he
says they work, so here we go 😄. He never said it was his theme per
say but overall it was "Becoming more serious about the work, and
sensitive to the spirit." We aren't a bad mission, he said we are
actually 2 in the west, but he knows we can do better, and so he sorta
lit a fire under us haha. It all was just super awesome.

Me and elder Pennington are getting along pretty well 😊 The hard part
right now is he's soo quiet and then I feel like I talk way too much.
But it's good, and he's slowly talking more.

We didn't end up finding any new investigators this week, but we
definitely were led to some people that needed our help. One day elder
Pennington found a family that he'd never met, and was interested in
who they were. So we went and stopped by. They are a family of 4 with
2 daughters, and were baptized about 4 years ago but just sorta fell
off and stopped coming. But when we got there they were super happy
and excited we were there. We had a nice lesson and at the end Hermano
Meza the dad, started to cry and said we were answers to their
prayers, that they just needed something small, a little push, to get
them back. I'm happy to say they did come this Sunday, and are
planning on coming to a ward family home evening tomorrow. After
church they came and told us how happy and good it felt to be back in
church, and can't believe they ever left.

There was also another family that had been taught in the past but was
dropped, and for some reason we had the feeling to go there. Similar
story to the last family of 4. 2 daughters, but they have not been
baptized. They are the Jalapa family and are really cool. So
apparently they have been investigating for over a year now, and just
never fully committed. We had a awesome lesson, and they told us that
they know most the stuff, and that they e always sort of had one foot
in and one foot out, and that it was time to choose 😃 They invited us
back and we've felt really good about them, and want to invite them to
be baptized April 9. We would normally like to do it earlier, but with
conference and some stake stuff it may end up that far off. But we are
super excited, and I'll definitely let y'all know how it goes.

Another person we have started teaching is a woman named Adreina. They
found her about a month ago, but never were able to teach her. We
finally were able to and she seemed very interested. She listened very
intently and seemed to accept everything we taught. At the end of the
lesson we invited her to pray and things were a little fishy. Haha.
She accepted the invitation with out hesitation, and immediately began
her prayer without asking twice of how to start it or how to end it.
There was nothing wrong with the prayer, it was a great prayer, but
almost too great haha. She not only knew how to pray, but used words
and phrases that a member would use haha. She definitely known the
church before somehow, but nothing was bad. It was a good lesson, the
spirit was there, and she invited us back for Tuesday. We just need to
find out a little more :)

So, a much busier and better week this week, and next is just going to
be that much better.
I definitely felt the strength and help of your prayers this week,
thank you, and I hope you all know that I love you guys sooo much, and
always praying for you as well.

I hope your week is as awesome as mine 😉
Love y'all
Elder Miller

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