Wednesday, April 12, 2017


What's up everybody, sorry I didn't write last week it's been kinda crazy around here.

So last week I was transferred, and I'm in the same zone, even the same district, just different area. I am also zone leader so that kinda fun to be with the mission president a little more, and be able to help the new missionaries out. Just about 80% of the missionaries are 9 months or less, so it's a very different mission now, and we are trying to help build a awesome culture, especially getting ready for the new mission president in 3 months. With being zone leader, I went to a training on Tuesday and it was really cool, it was for the zone leaders and we then needed to take back all that we learned about to zone meeting and train there. It was fun, the other zone leader is elder Campbell and he's an awesome guy. He's from Canada, and he's actually a French speaking elder here. So it's fun to be with him and working with him to fire up the zone and keep it going strong. We are the top baptizing zone in the mission right now, so we definitely want to keep that up!

Speaking of baptisms, we have three coming up soon! One is with a young couple that they had been teaching for quite a while, and that will be next Sunday. The other is an awesome little girl we started teaching. Her parents have taken he lessons and really like church, they go all the time, but they are not married yet sooo, we are now teaching their 8 year old daughter and she is so cool. She is super smart and understands everything. Right now she has a goal for the 22 of april.

We have a ton to do here. Its pretty crazy actually, we have so many referrals for ysa because its basically everyone 18 to 30 in the whole zone so we have 10 sets of missionaries finding for us haha. Its really fun tho.
General Conference was super awesome this weekend! There were so many amazing talks. I am so grateful for the love ive gained for conference, it makes it so much better haha. I feel like with every conference, i get more and more out of it. Especially as a a missionary I received some awesome revelation for not only myself but as well for how to help investigators, my area, and our companionship.

The prophets are such an incredible gift. The fact that in today we have men that speak with God to know how to help us y guide us is so special.

I love you guys, and hope you enjoyed and got as much out of conference as I felt I was blessed with.

Love yall,

Elder Miller

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy Easter Sunday Kaylor and the monumental gift that we were given by our Savior!Love U
