Wednesday, April 12, 2017


Hey guys,

We have had so much this week its been awesome. Our mission president
tried to get a big push going for people to find ysa age people and
refer them to the ysa missionaries. Which means more people for us!
This week we have had 7 referrals and its been sweet.
Then we found some amazing people for spanish. 1 was a family of
three, where the dads coworker is a member and invited him to listen
and their sons who is 10 is super pumped. He loves the kids Book of
Mormon and the parents want to find a church that they can all go to
as a family. They are pretty cool, they are the Leon family. Then
yesterday we found a woman and her husband who have been super
prepared. They were raised catholic, but they said through their
personal studies of the Bible, feel that it is not true according to
the teaching of the New Testament. Then they tried 1 or two others
that they really liked, but then struggled with the people being very
hypocritical. And they said they just haven't felt any of them have
been right yet. It was an amazing first lesson and i really hope that
they can progress. David is form Puerto Rico and Rosalina is from
Guadalajara. They should be awesome.

This week we had exchanges with the APs and it was so cool. One of my
favorite exchanges of my mission.  I was with elder walker and he is
so cool. I learned so much and had a ton of fun. He is from Idaho and
is a great guy. I would really like to stay in contact with him after
the mission.

On Thursday we got to go to the temple again! Its was super fun. As a
zone last transfer we had 1 baptism for companionship, and so the
reward is going to the temple! The phoenix temple is a pretty cool

I found out that a family that I taught in an old area is going to be
baptized next Sunday, and im so excited. Our stakes share a stake
center and that's where the baptism will be, so I get to go to it! Its
Brenda and Ernesto. They are so cool. I'm so happy for them.
On Sunday the young couple were baptized and it was perfect. I was sad
for them tho, because none of the ward showed up, which reflects what
kind of ward this is, but other than that it went perfect, and they
have been super ready. I didn't really get to teach them anything
before, because they have been ready for a while now, but for the
first time in my mission do I get to be with someone that I was there
for their baptism and I get to stay after to help them to continue to
grow their testimony and become converted, so im pretty happy about
that. Everywhere else I've been, I've moved every three months so I
never got to be with people after their baptism.

We have a lot of work this week so we should have a great one coming up.
You all will too 😄

Talk to you next week!

Elder Miller

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