Wednesday, March 15, 2017


Hey guys,

Kinda a crazy day trying to figure out transfers. A bunch of different stuff was going on but I will be staying in Phoenix with elder Lewis.

Its been a little harder week, but we had an awesome weekend! Especially saturday, we didn't stop all day. we got and exercised and went over to a members and had breakfast and helped take down their Christmas lights haha. It was really yummy. Then we brought a change of cloths and biked over to Hermana espinozas house. She was the inactive that moved here from Mexico but wanted to become active again, and then her daughter who is 17 had a baby like two weeks ago, and the ward did a amazing job loving them and bringing them in by throwing a baby shower. It was great. Anywho come to find out the babies father is named Daniel and he is super pumped about the gospel and learning! We taught him the first lesson, and he told us about how he knows he is going to be baptized, he just wants to learn more,  but that baptism is already a goal for him! That's pretty sweet. He is very prepared, and really wants to learn more. He said he was not only willing, but excited to search for an answer to the the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon! It's awesome.

 Then we rode on over to nancys house where we starting figuring out her baptismal program. She seemed so happy talking about it. It was a special gift to see her so happy. Haney decided that she wanted elder Lewis to baptize her, and im super happy for him, not only is this his first baptism in the mission, but he gets to do the ordinance as well. It's going to be great! Nancy asked her cousin who is a recent return missionary to baptize her, it was really cool to see.
Then we went over to have a lesson with Nuvia and hna correa. It was really good, and Nuvia seemed to pay attention a lot more when hna correa was there. It was probably our first lessons where she got a large part out of it haha. It was good tho. Hna Correa is probably the best missionary member ive worked with in my whole mission. I got to be with her at the very begging of my mission as well so it's super fun to be back working with her. She is the relief society president and she is fantastic.

Then we biked up to dinner with the familia cid. Hna cid was in California, so Hno took us out to eat. But to get there he drove us in his big 12 seater van, that instead of seats he had big lazy boys 😂 haha it was great. We had some fun at a Chinese restaurant, but then had to keep goin. We then spent a large part of the night looking for more people, until we finally came home, and took an hr or so to do some personal study. We really worked hard, and it felt awesome.
Then on Sunday we had 7 people come to church including Rylan the little 10 year old, and his mom who also isn't a member. It was really cool. then that night we found this guy named Julio and he is from cuba. He is a really nice guy. We only got to be with him for a little but after our short little lesson, he asked if we could come back. He also told us he wanted to be baptized! The only problem is that he works on sundays. Ugh nothing is that easy haha. But itll be good, were excited to go back.

So we finished off well 😊 Heavenly Father really helped us in the lessons, and we have some amazing people we get to teach and be apart of their growth. I love seeing them grow and learn of the hope Christ brings. I love this gospel and can't imagine living without it. I truly have a testimony of it, and the blessings it brings, now my goal these last 5 months it that I really am trying to work on is becoming converted to the lord. Ive been studying about it, and thanks to some advise from some amazing people, i think a big key is consistency. Consistently doing the things Heavenly Father has asked us to do like prayer and scriptures. Every single day, and then adding upon it. Trying to be like christ, do the little things too.  There is so much power and blessings we receive when we do these things. so as missionaries do all day, i want to give you an invitation. I invite you guys to try it, if youre not already, to read and pray everyday for a week and see if you feel a difference. One of my favorite parts of being a missionary is promising blessing too. So as a representative of Jesus Christ I can promise you if you try it for a week, you will see some incredible blessings in you life.

I love you guys, and I want you guys to know how much i love this Gospel.

Have a great week!

Elder Miller

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