Saturday, December 31, 2016


Hey guys!

We had a awesome week full of fun Christmas stuff. Sadly everyone we tried to tech either canceled, wasn't there or didn't open the door, so did almost nothing done in missionary work, so that was a little rough.  We'll start with last sunday, in the afternoon the ward put on a Christmas fireside/choir performance, and there ended up being a lot of non members that came. It was really cool. The spirit was really strong.

This week we also did our big mission trip over to mesa. It was really fun. We went to the mesa temple where they had the Christmas lights up around the visitor center and the temple grounds. It was really fun we first went through the visitors center and they had a few new parts to it from last year. Its pretty cool. And we now are going to try and take investigators there. We then had a lunch that we had brought, and went to a session in the temple. It is a pretty big temple, and kinda old. If i remember correctly, I think it was built in 1927. Then we went to a big buffet and ate a ton. It was fun to be around some old friends. After dinner we went back and walked around the lights. It was a good day.

On Christmas eve we woke up and had normal studies, butt then the whole zone was invited to a lunch at a English members house. We had a ton of food,, and each of us had a giant t bone steak the size of our plates, but it was still really good meat. It was fun being with the whole zone. Then we spent a some time giving out some stocking that my grandparents and aunt sent me to give to people. It was fun going around giving stu away. Its fun to see how happy people get when they see you care about them.
Then we spent the whole night at a huge family party. It was the Waldo family and there were a good 30 people there, and the funnest part was most of them are not in this ward but i have served in al of their wards before so i knew all of them! It was really fun to be back with them. We had tacos, and tamales, and mole, and flan, and played all kinds of games and laughed and had a awesome time.

Christmas came and we went to church where we had surprisingly 3 investigators there. We havnt had anyone come since ive been back so it was cool to see them there, even if it was just an hr. I mean thats probably why they came, but still haha. And it was perfect because the speakers did an awesome job on their talks, they were super good, and then the choir sang, and it was just a really good sacrament. We then went home and I took a nap for a while. Then we got to call home! It was pretty weird because I have barely been back a month, so it feels like I just saw them, but at the same time it sort of feels like being home was a weird dream. It was good tho, always fun to see everyone. After we wrapped that up we went over for dinner. In the latin culture (or at least here) Christmas is celebrated basically on new years eve, so thats when the big dinner and everything is, and then they wait until midnight and open the presents. But it was still a fun night, we had some tortas and whatnot and then played a bunch of games like spoons and signs and stuff like that. It was fun.

Sorry there wasn't a whole lot of spiritual stuff but really besides those couple days we knocked on a ton of doors and had max 10 doors open in 5 days haha. But oh well we are hoping for a better one this week.

Hope you all had an awesome Christmas!!
Talk to you all next year
Elder Miller

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