Sunday, May 1, 2016


Hey everyone!

I can't believe it's still snowing over there. It's getting to the
upper 90s here.😅

This week was fun. We did a couple service projects. One was this
really big one for the homeless. A bunch of associations came
together, and we helped the home
Es come try apply for jobs, some housing, clothing, showers haircuts
etc. it was really cool because it was a lot of people who wanted to
change their lives not just take hand outs. The other one was cleaning
up a massive river bed. Just picking up garbage and stuff.
This week we've starting going and finding inactive members and trying
to see if we could get them back to church.
We found a young couple that have been member for a few years but went
inactive right after their baptism. They are really cool, and we had a
sweet lesson where the spirit completely changed the game plan of our
lesson. ( I love when the spirit does that) we go in prepared to talk
about this, or show that, and we talk about something 180 degrees
different. We ended up making a goal for them to get their patriarchal
blessing the first week in June, and during that month we are going to
come over every Monday and teach the lessons again and try to help
them gain a testimony. I'm super  excited and they seem very open to
Another lady we found was an old lady that live all alone 😕 she has
been a member for some 25 years, but in the last few years had to have
breathing tube. She's struggled coming to church and hates having to
deal with all the tubes and what not, but loves the church. We are
going to start trying to help her get to church, and help her with all
the equipment, as well as bringing her some videos and lessons 😊
The Meza family are doing so great!! They are the family we found
about a month ago that had been inactive for 3 years. They are now
active, and talked to the bishop to get their recommends to get
sealed!!!! They are an awesome family and just needed the spirit to
remind them why they got baptized 3 yrs ago.

I'm so excited for elder Holland!! This is going to be sweet! He'll be
here Thursday as well as the president of the 70 elder Lynn g Robbins.
President sent out an email about it and says we have to be very
prepared and quiet and basically don't be stupid. It'll be good.

This week I had some awesome studies. Elder buckway, my new bud, who
sadly and kinda scarily, is going home in 4 weeks 😢 he taught me some
cool tips and things to do to make my studies more meaningful and get
more out of it and it's been cool.

So that's what's happening in Peoria Arizona 😋 everyday the heat is
going up and so the more desire we have to set up lessons so we are
inside haha.

Love u guys!
Have a good one 😄
Elder Miller
So fresh and so clean.

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