Tuesday, December 8, 2015


So I got transferred! I'm now across the freeway in Glendale, in a
ward called solano. It's a lot different over here, very different
environment and very different ward. A lot more apartments and trailer
parks haha. So not only is the area different but my transfer was
different too. So Monday morning president called this companionship
that had gotten together just two weeks ago because of some prior
problems with another area, but he  told them to go to transfers. They
were super confused and got ready and came to transfer meeting. So we
all go to a church, and basically president just stands and reads off
who is going where. So he's going through and elder wells gets his
companion, my other friends are getting there's and my names not
called. He gets all the way to the last area, so of course I'm going
there right. Well he calls two names and one of them is not mine?!?! I
was so confused. And then he said oh ya and it's actually going to be
a trio with elder miller. It was so weird. So ya were in a trio! It's
just so different. Like everything is meant for two, we practice
lessons in two, the apartment is for two, it's just crazy. Like we are
in a tiny apartment with 5 of us haha and sadly I'm on the floor 😬
the bathroom situation is interesting to say the least.

So my companions name are elder cespedes and elder Rodriguez. Cespedes
was born in Bolivia where is mom is from and his dad is Argentinian,
but he grew up in the D.C metro area. He's a cool dude. We've been out
the same amount of time, he just didn't go to the MTC as long as me.
And elder Rodriguez is straight from Argentina. He's been out about 16
months. Our assumption is that he'll probably leave this next transfer
and cespedes and I will take over, but we'll see. That's still 6 weeks
away haha. I've come to realize how great my last ward and area was
because we've done nothing but finding this week haha. Not one
lesson😢 but it's all good. I'm down to work hard and get this place
going 😄

I'm s crazy that it's Christmas. It doesn't feel like Christmas at all
over here haha. I think a big part is no snow. Another one is no
family😕 but it's all good. I set up my little nativity and picture so
I'm feeling a little more Christmasy haha. And then at transfers I got
a package and a letter! It was awesome thank you thank you Minnicks
for the package. The Carmel things are delicious. Everyone keep asks
me for them there about gone and I got them on wed haha. I promise I
haven't opened the 12 day countdown yet haha,but I'm excited so it.
And Mathews thank you for the card 😃 I love getting anything like
that. It's like Christmas every time I hear from any one haha.
Speaking of that, obviously my address changed, but so did the mission office.
So the mission office is

(Missionary's Name)

6833 West Bell Road

Glendale, Arizona 85308

And my new address is
4529 W. Ocotillo Rd. #233
Glendale, AZ 85301

Yup so crazy week getting all change but I think I'm finally settling in 🙂

Hope you guys are having a great Christmas season.
💚elder Miller
Time for a break.

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