Thursday, October 1, 2015

1st Baptism!

Hey everyone.

This week was awesome. We had our first baptism. His name is Jesus and he is great. He has taken lessons for about 2 months now, and loves it. His wife was
baptized at 8 but has been inactive most her adult life. She is
awesome though, and talks a lot about her experiences with the spirit,
and how much it has helped her, because she is blind. She became blind
at around 20 because of diabetes. She is always happy though and we
love her and Jesús.

I learned though that something will always go wrong the day of a
baptism. So we got to the church Friday to make sure we had clothes
and make sure everything was ready, and we find out the font was only
spitting out cold water. We had heard that it wasn't working but they
had said they had fixed it. But the day before we had asked him if it
was okay, but he freaked out and said he didn't know how to swim and
that he definitely didn't want it cold because he was scared of that
feeling of not being able to breath when you go in really cold water.
So we didnt know what to do. We were going to try at another church
but there was another baptism, so we didn't know what to do. On top we
He is a bigger guy so we were looking everywhere for a big enough
jumpsuit and couldn't find one bigger than a L. Then we finally did
but it was a XXXL hahaha.

So Saturday morning we got to the church at 8 and boiled water in 9
pots and were dumping them and refilling them till 2 hahaha. It was
warm by then so it worked out.
He asked Elder Wells to baptize him, and he was really nervous all
week that he was going to be able to. Elder wells is kinda , well a
toothpick, and this dude is big. Haha he ended up having to do it
twice because he couldn't get him up and Jesús threw his foot up haha.
But it all worked out. The spirit was really strong. He was super
happy and kept saying how he just felt peace and said he knew God was
happy with him that day. There's definitely a special spirit at
baptisms, I really hope we get another one before we get transferred.

I got a haircut today in this little ghetto shop by a little Mexican lady haha. I was really nervous every at first because I really didn't want another dumb haircut. So I figured she would do better if I just told her to do whatever she thought would look good. So she started going at it and mid way she whips out a straight blade and I kinda got scared haha, but she was really good with it. She did my side burns and what not with it. It ended up being pretty good I think, it was just 20 mins of heart beating because I didn't know how it would turn out haha. Elder wells is makin fun of it o. He said I got the Mexican cut with the pointed sideburns and what not. I just told him I'm trying to fit in better haha.

So I got to do my first blessing on like Tue. I was freaking out inside when she asked me. It was a new convert and she has had a ton of trials since she was baptized and had been to the hospital twice this week and just a lot of stuff. So we went over and elder wells asked, who would you like to give you the blessing. She said she wanted me to, and she speaks English so she said I could do it in English which really scared me at first. So I stand up to go say it and my heart is beating sooo fast. I said a quick prayer, and we placed out hands on her head. At first I was worried about saying my own thoughts or just not knowing what to say at all. Then all the sudden I had all these things co,e to my mind, and the spirit came really strong. And me being a baby started crying haha, but she did too so I didn't feel to bad haha. No but it was amazing that Heavenly Father could use me to let her know how much He loved her and to bless her. 

After hearing her stories and seeing in my own life, the adversary tries to rip you down every time you're doing the things we need to be, or just trying harder and doing better. These are the times when we need to ask for help and have faith that He will help us through the hard times. When we do I know we will be blessed for pushing through them and continuing to do what he asks us.

Hope u all have a good week
Love u guys
Elder Miller

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