Thursday, October 22, 2015


OK, so my email has been super super lame. Apparently i have been
sending out emails that never arrive. I wrote a letter last week and
pushed "send" and it never went out. I found out that this is not the
first time, and many letters i have written have never been received.
I talked to the mission office and we in a way " rebooted " my email,
and now it should work. So if you have sent me a email that i haven't
responded to, PLEASE let me know. Because I promise I have responded
to every email i have received. it may have taken a little time or not
have been a huge email, but I honestly have replied to every single
one. so please send me a little thing just saying hey you missed me or
something haha.

So this is last weeks. It wasn't very long but I did write, And you
can even see the date and time soo ya

This week has been awesome. First I got a bunch of questions so I'm gonna answer some of those. :)

What time do you wake up at? 6:30  and we exercise till 7:15 we usually jog but ya. What time do you get home at? 9 unless we are in a lesson we need to be home by 9:30. Then we plan and be in bed by 10:30. What do you do in the evenings? After studies and stuff we go and do lesson and go see less actives and just go do appointments. What do you eat when you are cooking for yourself? I have been steaming a bunch of vegetables, and then usually cook some chicken or fish. What are you studying? Right now I'm focusing on preach my gospel, and the Book of Mormon. Do you get to drive? Sadly no I don't because I'm jr companion. But I did get to drive on Saturday during my exchange. What do you do all day? So I exercise, usually jogging. Then we study for 4 hrs, then we go out and go to lessons, have dinner, go finding and ya that's a rap up of my days haha. I have never heard one tracting story? We don't tract. Ya our president says there are a lot of better ways to find so we don't really do that. How is your Spanish? It's ok I guess. I can speak with people but have the grammar of a kid. I can understand most things, I miss things here and there but am ok for the most part on understanding. What do you love about the mission? I love finding people who have been prepared by the lord and is ready to let the gospel change them. I also love seeing the change the gospel brings to people lives. How are you enjoying the ward? Have you spoken in church? I did this Sunday and it was scary but it was okay I guess. I talked about the atonement, and what it really means for us. How much of your day is in Spanish? Usually the second half of the day we do in Spanish, that's when we have all our lessons and stuff. What is Phoenix like for a missionary? Well I'm in the ghetto area so it's interesting haha, because it's definitely still the Us but How much money do they give you a month? Like 130 How much do you use? I'm not sure because we weren't sharing the cost of food then we did and we're back to not sooo ya I'm not exactly sure.

So this week was great.
On Wednesday we had zone conference. That is were a couple of the zones all meet and president Griffen talks to us. It was really cool. I learned a ton. It was a lot about making a good culture within our zones and mission. He talked about a culture of service and how that's really what Jesus came here and did was serve us in every way possible. I got to talk to him a little after and I love him he's such a cool guy.

Thursday we had a great lesson with a new investigator named Nicky. She is awesome.  We were invited over to a newly baptized part member home. I say part member because the wife and kids were baptized but the husband and the grandma did not . So we have still been teaching them but they are stubborn. But any way back to Nicky she is the wife's sister and she was there and she sat in the lesson with us. She has never been taught by missionaries but pretty much testified to us of the Book of Mormon and the spirit. Like what?!? Hahah and in the middle of the lesson elder wells straight up asked her if she was already a member. Haha so we are super excited to continue to work with her and hopefully soon baptize her😊

Saturday I had my second exchange. But this time I stayed in my area!! It was scary. I was with our zone leader elder ashby. I love him. He is an awesome guy and is super smart. He taught me a ton, especially about Christ. But since he's an English missionary I had to do everything! It was intense I was freaking the night before, but it turned out pretty good.. I assume, haha because no one seem to surprised or shocked at anything I said. We had a few lessons and a dinner, and it was kinda intense having all the conversations directed just at me but it was good, and I learned a lot of what I didn't know haha, and learned a lot about just missionary work.

Sunday I had a talk. Holy crap. Hahah I was freaking out inside. At first there was like no one there( because they're Hispanic and being on time isn't a thing) but then it was packed we had 7 investigators attend which is the high since I've been here, and ya it was just way full. So that was fun. I got up and did ok I guess. Idk everyone said I did good but you never know how good it really was haha.

Oh I'm getting hit on by a gay investigator haha it's really quite weird. He sends me good morning face book messages and made us dinner and was really weird ahh but ya hahaha idk we'll see how it all goes we have a lesson with him tonight soo ya. Oh Jennifer the 17 who is on date for the 7 came to church this week! And we have a lesson with her tonight. We are going to find out if she has gotten permission from her mom. Her mom is just very set in her religion and doesn't like Mormons much because I guess there are some pretty similar thing we believe in, so they don't like that because they say we've change the doctrine but whatever. That's one thing we really make sure of is respecting everyone's religion and their feelings and stuff. She's a cool lady just sorta harsh on the outside but on the inside I bet she's a squishy marshmallow hehe. Wow I'm tired hahah, but ya. So we're praying for all that.

So that's been my week😄 I know I've probably missed a lot of stuff because sometimes I forget you guys aren't around here with me haha, and sometimes I tell one person something but forget to put it in my main email and just assume everyone knows. Sooo if I've left stuff out or just have questions let me know I'd love to answer them!

This morning I re listened to a talk from this conference by Elder Larry R. Lawrence of the seventy and he talked about becoming better. About asking the lord on ways and things to work on to become better. The question was the question to ask was "what lack I yet?". Being out here I've asked for thing to become better on and have really had my weakness slap me in the face a little, hahah but I know that it's just to make me better. I know that if we really want to improve our selves as better fathers mothers kids student whatever, i know if we ask he will let us know, and then On top he will help us grow stronger in those things.

I really do love being out here and am excited to continue to grow and help others to grow as well.
Really really hope this gets sent out hahaha.
Love you guys

Elder Miller

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