Friday, June 30, 2017

6.26.17 Photos


Hey guys!

What a week. The oven has turned back on and we sit in it all day πŸ˜…πŸ˜
haha it's pretty hot.

We have had absolutely no one to teach but we've kept going and
Heavenly Father is helping us out.  Finally Friday we went over to an
inactive house. She asked us to come over because she wants to come
back. When we arrived we were greeted by her nonmember husband. As he
let us in he asked if he could sit and listen! I looked at elder Lewis
and we switched gears real quick. We focused all on him and in the
middle of the lesson the spirit hit me really strong and the he filled
my mouth with his words. I stopped Jose (the husband) and asked him,
if this church were true, and what we teach is of god, what would you
be willing to do? He paused and thought for a second and said, I'd
change everything. My inside and outside. Did become a better man,
husband and father. I'd become what god wants me to be....... 😊
He then asked us about the Book of Mormon and how he'd tried to read
it, but wasn't sure quite what it meant or where to start. We taught
him of it, the church, and prayer, and how those are the ways we
receive our answers. He committed to doing all three and the spirit
once again came in so strong. I then asked him when he revived a
confirmation of our words would he be baptized? He couldn't reply as
tears came to his eyes. He then looked up and said yes, when I know
it's true I will be baptized. It was super cool. On top of it all, he
also has a 8 year old daughter who is super sweet named Catherine. She
is super fun and we want to focus more on her next time πŸ™‚
Then Saturday night we went back to Peoria for elder Lewis. His
convert was baptized and I got to see some of my favorite people!! I
was in that ward exactly one year ago! It was so fun, that was my
favorite ward. They are awesome it was so much fun.

Then Sunday Jose and his wife sujey came! He is a awesome dude. elder
Lewis and I also spoke in sacrament trying to pump up to start working
with us more. They are kind of a dying ward and we are trying to see
what we can do to bring them back together. Then as if all the sudden
something clicked, we had like three members come up to us after and
tell us about some friends that came to mind that they are going to
talk to and want us to come try talking to them!

Just make the day better as we walk into the ysa ward three more
people told us about their friends and how they are bringing them to
institute and fhe! This has been a hard couple hit long weeks but
Heavenly Father didn't forget about us. He has blessed us a ton, and
now we just have to keep it going.

I love this work and waging people's lives change through the grace
and love of Jesus Christ.

I love you guys so much and am pray no for you all. It's when we take
a leap of faith and do the small things he blesses us. Do them
consistently and he will give you miracles.

Love you guys

Elder Miller

Tuesday, June 13, 2017


Hey guys!

So this last week was transfers and I got elder Lewis. He was in the
district the transfer before so  I already know him, and he's awesome
he's a hard worker who has really studied his Spanish so it's fun.
He's from Alaska and everybody loves it haha. They thinks it so cool.
It makes him  happy 😊
We've been working hard this week. We've really trying to  talk to
everyone and it's been pretty cool. It's been a lot of just finding
but its been cool we've talked some cool people.
Idk why but I can't think of really anything. Just kinda a slow week
but that's okay. Its already been super fun with elder Lewis.
That's kinda it haha sorry
I'll have more next week, I'm feeling like it'll be a good one πŸ™‚
Love you guys
Elder Miller

PHOTOS 6.7.17


Hey everyone!

Crazy week this week. It's helped me see once again that everything depends on you and not the situation around you. I'll give you guys a little glimpse into the week.

Tuesday I had the big zone leader meeting. It was weird because it was sort of presidents last teaching and everything. All he's doing now is preparing for the new president.  so we learned some pretty cool things. Something that I really liked was sort of his last line to us he said- "There is no other way to measure your love for god then how you treat others around you." I thought it was cool. God says if you love me keep my commandments. When you think of the 10 commandments it's all about others around you, and then the second greatest commandment is love your neighbor as you love yourself. Idk it all kinda clicked for me so I thought it was cool!

Then later that day I met with two men from salt lake and the mission president about a service project that the 12 apostles were behind and pushing for it you could say. My zone was to go help and be apart of a "prayer breakfast" for police and fire men, where there would be leaders from 5different churches and each talk and pray for these service men. So it was pretty cool to be apart of. It was held in the Grand Canyon university basketball stadium with over 800 people in attendance.

The catch was we were to be there ready to go at 5 am... so we were up Wednesday morning at 4. Wow I was tired haha. So we have now all been up since 4 so we are all a little on edge, and we receive the news that our friend elder Wyatt was going home that day. He hadn't told anyone but he wrecked his hand on his bike and was going home for surgery. The worst part is he might not be able to come back because of his medical history. He is 7 feet tall and has had some really big struggles with his health. Anywho we were all just so sad it was awful. So ya he went home.

Then Thursday was elder wyatts companions birthday and he was really down so we tried to do something fun. I ended up making a pretty sweet piΓ±ata (if I do say so myself haha) and that was fun. In spite of the sadness, we also had Jesus's baptismal interview and prepared his program and everything so that was awesome! He was so excited!!!

Then Friday during district meeting, we held a funeral for elder clough, who went home this morning. It was pretty funny I'll send pics.
Saturday tho was awesome. It was Jesus baptism!!!! IT WAS THE BOMB. He was so ready. He couldn't stop smiling. And the whole ward showed up! It was beautiful 😊 He worked so hard to find his answer, and the lord has blessed him so much. He knows so much and has truly begun his path to conversion.
Sunday, he was then confirmed as well as received the aaronic  priesthood! Then to just put the cherry on top without anyone saying anything, he went up and bore such a sweet pure testimony of the Book of Mormon and his feelings of the church. He's such a cool kid. June will be one of the biggest months of his life haha. He was baptized and confirmed, it's his birthday, and he began boot camp. That was hard tho to say goodbye to him. He started boot camp yesterday in Oklahoma.

Then we learned that a great lady in our wards daughter died. She had been  battling cancer, and she was pretty sad. Her husband isn't a member and it was super hard on him. They asked us to come to the funeral Friday, and I kinda feel bad that we were joking about the "else's funeral" and now we have a real one. But it was very special to see the hope the sister had and the way she talked about how she was happy for her, no longer suffering and being in a better place.
Then Monday comes around and elder clough actually leaves and that was hard too. I have been around him for over 9 months of my mission. He's a super cool dude.

And now today is transfers and we've had to figure out a ton of stuff that went wrong with transfers and I'm now district leader because ZL don't really exist anymore in our mission, but it's whatever. I'll now being doing a lot more, and hopefully be able to help the missionaries more, doing exchanges and what not.  But I am staying to finish off in la Joya and the ysa so I'm pretty happy about that.

So ya pretty different week, lots of ups and downs, but then I listened to a talk that just brought the whole week into perspective.

It was elder Holland and he said "trouble and discouragement have no relationship to each other. Discouragement is a germ of its own."
I liked that line. We control our outcome. How we feel each day is truly up to us. Do we get up and be positive and smile or do we whine to ourselves that we are tired. Do we look at the bad and wonder why we aren't happier or do we go on an what sometimes feels like an excursion, (but one worthwhile none the less), to find the positives. Not only that, but when we turn to the lord, he will bless us, and help us through the hard times.

Keep being amazing. Heavenly fathers purpose for us is to be happy! So smile
My aunt taught me to S.M.I.L.E M.iracles I.n L.ife E.vereyday

Love you guys!

Elder Miller