Monday, January 9, 2017


Hey guys
So ya wasnt a whole bunch of teaching this week. We cant get in
contact with Ariana's grandma, so we havnt been able to set anything
up with her for a new baptismal date.
We havnt found anyone new either but there may be some possibilities
soon.  We havnt had much progress in this area, but we are really
trying to pick something up before feb 1, because of transfers, and
wanting to give anyone new, if there are changes, something to work
It was a weird week full of a bunch of meetings, which actually were
pretty good. haha.
On Tuesday we had Mission leadership council, which is all the zone
leaders, sister training leaders, APs, and mission presidency but i go
because my companion doesn't have another zone leader. Some of it was
just on some training for newer elder, which 70% of the mission is 7
months or younger, but then we talked about how good the mission has
been doing. In 2016 we had almost 50 less missionaries on average than
the year before, but we had 553 baptisms which was 53 more than 2016.
We weren't trying to just talk about numbers and only worried about
numbers, but more of showing that we were doing good and worked hard,
and smarter than before, even with less missionaries. Than we had a
really cool discussion from president Griffin on fear and getting
through our fears. So we had that which went from 10 to 3 and then
takes an hr to get home and then we have dinner and have our lessons
all cancel for what ever reason or just don't want to answer their
door, and then we go try and find people the rest of the night haha.
Pretty fun 😑 but its okay because that just means we are going to
have a bomb week sometime soon.
We had a meeting on Wednesday with the ward about the work and
preparing goals to bring to a bigger meeting on sunday.
Then we had a meeting with the relief society, which was super awesome
because they came to us and invited us over. We talked about people
they want to work with, and how they would come with us, and we set up
a bunch of lessons so its going to be sweet.
Then Friday we had zone meeting where we came back and taught the zone
what was taught at MLC.
And then sunday we had two meetings, one with the ward, where everyone
brought their goals for the new year, and it was really cool to hear,
because they all had a part to do with missionary work and helping us
so that was cool. And then we had a meeting with the stake president
and we talked about his vision for the stake and things we want to
start doing.

So a lot of good planning and learning this week, to hopefully take
off this next couple weeks.

Hope everyone's doing good.
Elder Miller

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