Tuesday, January 31, 2017


Whats up everybody.

So im getting transferred but idk where to so not really sure what more to say than im really sad to leave the area, really sad, I love this ward, and we have some awesome investigators, but im ready for some change so itll be good.

This has been a packed week.
It started off with the world wide broadcast for all the missionaries. Our zone got together to watch it and it was good. This time was a little less teaching and more informing and going over last years broadcast. We learned about the new schedule that president griffin had told us about. I like getting out of the house earlier. They also changed what we report to salt lake. We now dont report on lessons, who they were with or even how many we have. The only things are people at sacrament, new investigators, people with a baptismal date, and people baptized. So thats been interesting, but I think it will be good, and help a lot of missionaries do more productive things.
Then we had some pretty awesome lessons. We had another spirit packed lesson with Brenda and Ernesto. Our ward mission leader came again, and he connects so well with them, its been the best match up of my mission haha. And they love everything. At the end they talked about how they love the feeling that we bring when we are in their home, and hate when we leave because so does that feeling. That has been one of the coolest parts of my mission is learning how great the gift of the spirit is, and how blessed I have been to have had that in my home my whole life. How incredible it is to really have it and the change and effect it has on people. I love this gospel and how it can really change peoples lives and make people happy.
I had a hard time saying goodbye to them. They are probably the most solid family I have met on my mission and im sad not to be able to see them continue to grow, but I know they will get baptized at some point.

Then we had an some really cool lessons with the Hernandez family. I dont know how much I have talked about them, because weve been teaching them on and off for three months. They are a huge family, and some of them are baptized and some are not. There are three families living together. Mariana who is a member, and some of her kids are, but they are inactive,her husband is not a member either. and then her brother Rafael has been who we were focused on, and he is really starting to catch on, and little by little is growing, and then his kids and wife who are not members either, and then their parents and a niece from a different sister, so ya lots of people, some listen some dont, but they are learning and progressing and I was pretty sad to leave them too.

Then this weekend and monday we did service all day. It was crazy. We havnt had service my whole time here, and then we got dumped on these last few days. On saturday, we woke up early and went to a food bank at 6;30 and helped sort and give people food. I love helping people like that, because you get to be there with the people and see the results and see them happy and idk its cool. Then we went over and helped clean up a baseball field and that was a lot of work haha. And then we went and helped move in a family, a really big family haha. It was a lot of work, but it was cool because we found a lot of opportunities to share the gospel. The family we moved agreed to listen to the missionaries, some people at the field asked about our church and what we believed. but the best one was the food bank. A camera crew from pbs came by and was doing a thing on the community giving back and we were there and they talked about the missionaries being there to help, and then I got to be interviewed for a little and that was kinda fun. So it was cool to just be out there showing people that we just want to help and that we arent as crazy as everyone thinks we are haha.
Then on monday we spent all day shoveling rocks and it was crazy. It was a non members back yard that was full of them and he wanted them taken out. He said there was over 300 tons of rock. It was super hard, but we had the zone there and it was fun.
I love seeing how happy people are when they see people helping them and see that people care for them. I know that that was a huge reason that christ served people, was to share and show his love for everyone, and I have loved being able to help people be happy 😁

Well love you guys
hope you guys get out of the cold soon. Its 75 here today
Elder Miller

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