Monday, September 14, 2015


What's up everyone!πŸ˜„

This week has been crazy and awesome and just packed with stuff. Where do I start? Well I made it to Phoenix haha. I am in the Phoenix north area in the Monte Vista ward, the only Spanish ward in our area. So I woke up at 3 am to get on a bus that drove 10 min to the front runner that took almost 2hrs to get to salt lake, then we got off and waited for the tracks right by the salt lake temple. It was soo cold haha and all I could think was well take it in cuz this may be the last time you're cold for a while, and boy was I right. Got to the airport at 7 almost 3 hrs after leaving the Mtc! But we flew in and stayed at the mission home that was really nice. It sorta helped calm the nerves and everything. President Griffen is really cool, and Sister Griffen is so nice. We went by the temple, it was beautiful. I found out that we can go one every 3 months, which I'm super excited about😁  but ya speaking all English and not have things to worry about was really fun being there just sort of relaxing. We got our iPads and learned about some of our mission rules. So I can read letters any day I just can only answer on Mondays anytime until 6. 

Wednesday came along and we drove over to the church, where I got my trainer πŸ˜ƒ his name is Elder Wells. He is a tall skinny kid from Illinois. He's pretty cool. I'm really glad I got him because I am with him a minimum of 12 weeks. So we went to the apartment and I unpacked and met our roommates. They are two English missionaries with bikes. Oh ya we have a car and it's actually really nice. Especially when it's 107*, but everyone says it feels good because it's been 115-120 for the last little while. But it's supposed to go to double digits this week so that's good. 

We went shopping and I had no idea what to buy hahah. I realized am nothing without mom haha. This week I have gained so much respect, gratitude and love for her. Like I had shopped and cooked and stuff but she had told me what to buy and what to cook and how to do it, and cleaned, and did dishes and she always helped me with stuff I needed and had answers to everything haha and ya. Love you Mom❤️ so ya not gonna lie, it's been a little rough trying to figure out how to live by myself. 

So later that night we went to to my first lesson. This was his 3rd lesson and we were going to teach about how the restoration of the church. I was freaking out hahaπŸ˜– and then as we are getting out of the car elder wells turns to me and tells me that I am going to talk about Joseph and recite the first vision. I about died😳😲 he wanted me to do what?! This was my first lesson and I was not prepared to go talk to a real investigator. So we went in and the guy asked me to pray! So I did it wasn't too bad haha and we started the lesson. The next thing I knew elder wells turned to me and And just waited. I realized it was my turn and I went blank😢 I couldn't remember anything! It was really scary haha, but I said like a 2 second prayer and just said please help me know what to say. And all the sudden I said the whole thing and bore my testimony. It was awesome! I know the spirit came in and helped me know what to say. At the end the investigator said that he felt something really good, and said he would pray about what we had talked about. It was sweet. When we walked out my companion said he was really happy and had not expected me to be able to do that and thought he was going to have to help. I was really excited after thatπŸ˜‹  We've done a lot more lessons and almost every time I have had thought and been helped of what to say. I know that without the spirit I could not do this. The spirit is incredible, and the real teacher. I really don't do anything, because every time the investigator has agreed to our commitments or wanted us back, was because the spirit had been there doing the real testifying and teaching. I also know that I wouldn't be out here without it. This week has been long, but it really is the Holy Comforter. It has helped me so much already and helped me feel Heavenly Fathers love and that I really am out here doing what he wants me to be doing.

I am so grateful for the Gospel in my life and the incredible blessings it brings. I'm also so grateful for my parents, family, and friends. Being out here has shown me how amazing you all really are.

Love you guys

Hope you all have a awesome week 

Elder Miller

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