Tuesday, February 7, 2017


Hey guys,

So transfers happened and a lot of unexpected things went down. So I
ended up leaving Estrella, and moved to Cielito which is back over in
good old phoenix. Then I found out that I would be with elder Lewis,
who is three months out, then I found out that we were being doubled
in, meaning that we would both be new to the area, and then to put the
cherry on top we are an all biking area. Lots of change, lots of room
for growth haha.
But im actually really happy, not saying that its easy, but i feel
great. This area has so much potential, elder Lewis is a great guy who
wants to work, and besides the pain of my rear on bike and my knee
being kinda sore haha, i love biking. Its fun being outside, being
around people, seeing the city a little more, it's fun.
We are still trying to get used to the area and get to know some
people, but in the meantime we found some new investigators and got
them all to church.
One of the lady's we started teaching is named Nancy. She is a niece
to a member that just came to live with her from mexico. We met her on
saturday and introduced the plan ofsalvation and eternal families. As
we mentioned the plan of salvation something clicked for her and she
really felt the spirit. She didnt really have time so we invited her
to church, and we set up a time to come back the next day. Sunday
morning comes and shes there! She said she reallly enjoyed it and was
excited for our lesson.
We go over later that night and as we are saying the prayer a had a
strong impression to ask her if it would be alright that we taught
about the plan of salvation the next time. She seemed a little sad,
but said OK. Instead we taught the restoration and introduced the
church a little more. Elder Lewis did a great job with the first
vision and the Spiritwas there and I was getting flash back of when i
was just starting in the mission, and it was just great. I think she
really has felt the spirit and is intrigued to learn more. I am really
excited for her.
I'm not sure why but I have thought a lot of about the. Plan of
salvation this week. Especially with it being my sister aspens
birthday. I have thought about heaven and how it is supposed t one the
best place ever times a bajillion. And then i thought about how some
people don't know about an after life, or if they do they dont
necessarily think about the opportunities for an eternal family. I
don't think I can imagine the best place ever without my aspen and the
rest of my family. It has been 16 fun years with her and I am so
thankful that I get eternity more with  all of them. I definitely took
the gospel for granted before my mission, but I have been blessed to
learn how important it is and how incredible of a blessing I have to
be sealed to my family forever and it all started with my parents and
being incredible and faithful in the gospel  I am so great full for my
family and how much they have helped me and blessed my life.
I love all of you guys so much.

Have a great week
Elder Miller

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