Tuesday, January 12, 2016


Hi world,

I have had such an emotional roller coaster of a week haha

So we started well with another exchange with the district leader. This time I was with elder Bryan. There were no ghost peppers, or having a amazing experience with the gift of tounges, but we had the spirit the whole time. That is one thing I have learned while being out here is, if you are worthy and seeking for the spirit, your day is so so much better. That was our goal of the transfer, was to have the spirit with us as very very much as possible. That should be our goal everyday, especially as missionaries, but that day was special. I was able to learn so much through the spirit, that I want his presence that strong everyday. It was just a really cool experience.

Then we go to a lesson with a girl named Lesly. She just turned 17, and we have been working hard with her, and she has been so excited to be baptized. We go over and start making plans for her baptism for the 16th! The spirit is there, and she is happy, and then her mom walks in. And for the second time, with a girl that is 17, the parent denies permission to be baptized until she is 18. and it crushed me. I was so sad. The rest of the day I was pretty down. She is so ready, and now has to wait for another year. I just know how hard high school can be, and to wait a whole year to be baptized just seems so long. Ya, it was sad, but she has some good friends in the ward, and hopefully the plan is to just act like shes a member just not be baptized haha.

Thankfully the next day we were able to go to the temple again!! President Griffin gave us a goal of hitting 1500 contacts in the month of December as a zone. Each companionship had to get 200 each to go, and everyone in the zone did it! It was awesome. I love the temple soo much. It was another amazing experience, and while we were there, I received a lot of comfort, especially with Lesly. I was reminded that everyone has there time, and everything is part of the His plan. After the temple, President also took us to breakfast, it was super fun.

So with the passing of the 3 apostles, and different apostles moving in to new positions, elder oaks is now over the mission department, and there are apparently going to be a lot of changes. Sadly from the ones ive heard, it just sounds like we cant have fun anymore. haha not really but there is going to be a lot of change, and we are going to have a big mission wide meeting all about it.

Then with it being transfers, the nervousness of being transferred or staying or just all the change. Our district is changing a ton but I will be staying with elder Cespedes for another 6 weeks. we also found out we will be getting a new roommate. we also had a lot of little things trying to throw us off throughout the whole week. Some of them definitely through me off the tracks for a bit, but the temple was at the perfect time.

Ya kinda a weird week, but we are ready to hit this new transfer hard, and do awesome haha.
Love you guys
talk to you next week :D
Elder Miller

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