Monday, May 16, 2016


Dear Family and Friends!

The highlight of the week I think I must say was talking to the family.
You guys are the best! I love you all so much and it was awesome
talking to you all. I wish I had time to talk more individually and
all that but I had to go back to work. Haha. We had an awesome lesson
with a family right after and did our ward initiative. So a little bit
about that, our theme if you will, is heroes of salvation. So we made
a bunch of silly videos and stuff of superheroes stuff and had a
scripture with it, posted them on Facebook, all to sort of introduce
the lessons. We then have been going over to members houses and
talking about heroes, what they are, heroes in our lives, and the Book
of Mormon heroes, specifically the brother of Jared. We focus on how
he was a hero for his people with getting light for their trip. We
talk about how he came to God with a specific request and the faith
that God could make the stones shine. Our lives are like that trip
over the ocean for the people of Jared. Without the gospel we travel
in darkness, lost, but through Christ and His light, we know where to
go, we know the path he has for us, and this is our invitation to the
members. To pray for someone, to find someone specifically to invite
to church, to let someone have the "shining stone" of the gospel. And
just like the brother of Jared we invite them to go to the mountain to
pray, or the temple, with the ward at the end of the month. They the
dress up in some costumes a member made of Book of Mormon looking type
things, and if the kids have super hero stuff, they wear that too! So
we are pretty pumped about it, hopefully find some new people to
teach, but as well as bring the ward together and closer by going to
the temple together. So ya that's been most this week and next.
Between those, we were able to have a lesson with Patricia Jalapa, and
she is doing great! She is getting ready, and is on track for getting
baptized the 21 of May! She is excited and has changed so much since
when I first started teaching her.

We sadly are dropping Billy. We had a lesson with him the other night,
and I asked him pretty straightforwardly what he though about the
church. He told us he liked it, and how it was a different way of
looking at things, but sadly told us that he just is too busy for it.
His life style isn't normal, so he can't do normal things. He just
doesn't have time to read or go to church. Sad. Buuut we did find a
new investigator this week! We aren't super sure how solid she is, but
we found her through a referral from some English missionaries, and
had a little lesson on her doorstep. She seemed to like it but was
hesitant. She was very quiet, and didn't say much, but said it would
be okay if we came back the following Saturday, so we'll see. We think
she is shy and maybe her husband doesn't like the whole church thing,
but she felt the spirit, and I think she is curious. We'll see.

Today was fun. We went to some cool outlets and I had some birthday
money, so I got a cool Diamondbacks hat, a Phoenix shirt, and some cool
D rose socks.  It was really weird tho. Being back in "normal" world
stuff. Elder Buckway doesn't want to go back. I can't believe he only
has two weeks. This transfer has gone really fast with him.
I also got a haircut today. Probably my favorite one I've ever had,
she spent a good 45 min on it haha. I told her to do whatever she
thought would look good. She gave me a awesome fade, and a light
Part/line. I like it 😊I got it from a inactive lady who we are
teaching and had an awesome conversation with her. ( I realized a
little why people say missionaries are weird is we tie everything back
to the gospel)  But it was really cool. We talked about trials in this
life and how the scripture say we will never be tempted more than we
can bare. And I told her how it is more than that, because we also
talked about how hard our individual trials can be, but during those
times, if we have the lord with us, if we are doing what he wants us
to do, we can use the strengthening power of the atonement to help us.
God does not get ride of our trials but gives us a way through them,
and because of what Christ did he knows how we feel as we are tempted,
and tried, and knows what's going to help us.

She wants to come back, she is an awesome girl, they are like 27,
married a cool dude, they are both converts, and just never got a
really strong testimony, so that's what we are trying to do.
The family Meza are doing really good. They have been at church every
week for the past 5 weeks and it is awesome. It has been so cool to
see them grow and come back. We talked to bishop about the temple, and
he said we should try to wait just a little longer because they've
never really been active since they got baptized 3 yrs ago, so he just
wants to make sure they continue to come and everything before they go
to the temple. But I have confidence in them. They are going to be
great, just a little time.

So that's Arizona for ya! Starting to get really hot, and I'm scared
to death for July haha.

Love you all so much
Have and awesome week!
Elder Miller

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