Saturday, November 7, 2015


What's up UTAH๐Ÿ˜

I hear the weathers goin down for ya. Any snow? Definitely none here
haha. It still 90s some days here. So It is really frustrating when
people cancel our appointments. ๐Ÿ˜• haha that's what most the week has
been, getting ready to go to a lesson then 5 min before, they call
and cancel. Except one family has had good reason to cancel. It's been sad.
So they are the Quinteros, I talked about them last week a little.
Rosa, the mom, has cancer, and she was in the hospital twice this
week. Then her daughter had something rupture near her stomach, so she
was in the hospital, and then had to go back the next day for surgery.
It's been so hard for them. But hopefully we can go see how they're
doing tomorrow and talk to Blanca, the grandma, and pick a baptismal

We also have Julio tomorrow. He is the investigator we just found,
that seems super solid. We didn't get to talk to him this last week
soo hopefully we can talk tomorrow.

So Jennifer the girl who had the date for this Saturday didn't get
permission from her mom, and she didn't come to church either, no one
did! It was sad. Tali, our investigator with a date for next week,
didn't come either. But if he comes next week he can still get
baptized. I'm super excited for both of them because I have been able
to be here to see the spirit change them. They are doing super good
with everything we've given them and they have been relying on the
Lord for strength with their trials. We have a lesson with both of
them tomorrow so it should be good. Well "I" have an appointment with
them tomorrow haha. We are doing another exchange tonight and I'm
staying in the Spanish area again๐Ÿ˜ณ. We are changing with the new
district leader named elder green. He seems cool, I just don't know
him and I'm really nervous again because I'm the only one speaking
Spanish haha so we'll see how it goes.

So this week was fast Sunday, and I love it here. Before the bishop
even sat down there were people in line behind him hahaha. And this
week was the first time I feel like I understood almost everything
people said in sacrament. It was cool. And they have some powerful
testimonies. It's amazing. I already love these people, and I am so glad
I am able to teach and serve the Hispanic people. They are very loving
and love to help and serve, but it's kind of frustrating because they
are stubborn and don't want us to help them. Haha idk, we try but they
never need help with anything, well until they move and we are the
first ones called haha.

So one of our like 3 white members went hunting this past week and
shot a massive elk, and had a ton of meat so he gave us some haha. At
first I was a little nervous. I've just not ever have it, but it was
hamburger kinda stuff so that's what we did, we made hamburgers! They
were awesome. They were super tender, I really really liked them. One
I did kind of a normal style and the other I put some jerk sauce stuff
and it was soo good. We kinda wished we had more. We told him if he
goes hunting again anytime soon to hook us up.

How was Halloween for everyone?? It was super boring here haha. We
went back and got some donuts and hot chocolate (because that's our 
tradition, which turns out is also elder wells tradition also

haha) and then just sat in the house haha. It was quite a long night.
Oh but I did get my first package ๐Ÿ˜Š thanks fam! I love u guys. It was
fun getting it, and having those jokes haha. I saw some of ur pics,
looks like some of u guys had fun.

That's my week ๐Ÿ™‚
Talk to y'all next week
Elder miller

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